Monthly Archive: December 2008
500 Fernseh-Produktionen in 2 Jahren London. 30. Dezember 2008/– Der Französisch – deutsche Journalist, Autor, Fernseh- und Radio-Produzent hat in zwei Jahren seit 15. September 2006 bis Dezember 2008 mehr als 500 Fernseh-Produktionen produziert...
Willkommen zu IFN International Family Network d734, Christian service ministry. IFN International Family Network d734 ist ein nicht-kommerzielles, alternative internationales Netzwerk für Glauben, Religion und inter-religiösen Dialog, Konversation und Kommunikation. Wir verbreiten Informationen zum...
Welcome to IFN International Family Network d734, Christian service ministry. IFN International Family Network d734 is a non-commercial, alternative international network for faith, belief and inter-faith communication. We do promote the Jewish – Christian...
[youtube=] Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporter – Right Livelihood Award 2008 (4) Liberty and Peace NOW! from Stockholm, Sweden with Dr. Monika Hauser (Swiss – Italian), medica mondiale and Jakob von Uexkuell,...
[youtube=] Liberty and Peace NOW! – Right Livelihood Award (3) Liberty and Peace NOW! from Stockholm, Sweden with Asha Hagi from Somalia, Africa and Jakob von Uexkuell, alternative Nobel Prize, Right Livelihood Foundation Award...
[youtube=] Liberty and Peace NOW! – Right Livelihood Award 2008 (2 a) Liberty and Peace NOW! RLA Sweden 2 (a). Right Livelihood Award, with Jakob von Uexkuell and Amy Goodman, journalist, broadcast journalist, author...
[youtube=] Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters – Right Livelihood Award 2008 (2) Liberty and Peace NOW! RLA Sweden 2. Right Livelihood Award, with Jakob von Uexkuell and Amy Goodman, journalist, broadcast journalist,...
[youtube=] Liberty and Peace NOW! – Right Livelihood Award 2008 Liberty and Peace NOW! Right Livelihood Award 2008 from Stockholm, Sweden, with Jakob von Uexkuell, Krishnammal Jagannathan. (c) 2008 by Andreas Klamm, Journalist, TV...
[youtube=] Liberty and Peace NOW! Freedom To Speak, Part 2 Wafula Oguttu is a journalist and publisher of the daily newspaper „The Monitor in the country of Uganda. He got several times arrested in...
[youtube=] Liberty and Peace NOW! Freedom To Speak, Part 1 Wafula Oguttu is a journalist and publisher of the daily newspaper „The Monitor in the country of Uganda. He got several times arrested in...