Where are the Voices of the women and men from Tahrir Square ?
Where are the Voices of the woman, children and men from Tahrir Square ?
By Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
Cairo, Egypt / London, United Kingdom. February 8, 2011. Where in the world are the Vocies of the women, men and children from Tahrir Square in Cairo in Egypt. As a Tunisian-French-German journalist, boradcast journalist, author and independent TV producer, radio producer and media producer I would love to produce a special program for international understanding with the people, men, women and children on Tahrir Square in Egypt in Cairo. I guess I would call the program “Voices for social justice from the people of Tahrir Square”.
It is sad hat many of my human rights, a huge part of my dignity, even access to medical and dental treatment is denied to me since 2006. It is sad that I am poor, although I am working hard as a journalist, broadcast journalist, author of 9 books published, TV – radio and media producer in many cases day and night for the freedom of the press, for social justice, for liberty, for human rights, dignity and international understanding. It is sad, that without the money which is needed for such productions, I am not able to buy a TV Camera, microphones, safety equipment, Laptop, I phone and some other tools which are needed to produce a production like this and many others. Since 1984 I have produced more than 700 TV productions. Some of these productions are available on www.youtube.com/andreasklamm and www.ibstelevision.org.
For the program for international understand I would try to collect as many voices and statements from the people, women, men and children from Tahrir Square in Cairo and Egypt — may 2000 may 4000 people, as many as possible. I would try to dedicated a 24 hours TV program for so many precious people from Tahrir Square in Cairo in Egypt.
Because of the shortage of time in these busy times, I do share my idea with all my colleagues, journalists, TV producers and media staff from around of the world. If you want to take part to produce a TV program for international understanding which I would love to produce feel free to adopt my idea at any time for peace, liberty, social justice, prosperity and international understanding for the people in Egypt, the Middle East, Israel and in this world. Thank you.
If you want to help to produce a production such as “Voices for social justice from the people of Tahrir Square” you may send your support such as TV Camera, microphone, and other stuff please to:
Radio TV IBS Liberty
Andreas Klamm – Sabaot, Journalist
P.O. BOX 11 13
D 67137 Neuhofen
Internet: www.ibstelevision.org
Internet: www.youtube.com/andreasklamm
Tel. 0049 6236 416802
Mobile Tel. 0049 178 817 2114
As I am only able to speak and write English, German and some French, certainly I am also in need of a translator and interpreter which is able to speak and write the Arabic language.