Situation of Roma and Sinti focus of special session at OSCE human rights conference on Wednesday
Situation of Roma and Sinti focus of special session at OSCE human rights
conference on Wednesday
WARSAW, 4 October 2011/OSCE/– – The challenges Roma and Sinti communities face in Europe and the need for OSCE participating States to live up to their
commitments in this field will be the focus of discussions at a special session during the OSCE’s annual human rights conference in Warsaw on Wednesday.
Speakers at the session include Jeroen Schokkenbroek, the Special
Representative of the Council of Europe’s Secretary General for Roma Issues, and Andrzej Mirga, the head of the OSCE’s Contact Point on Roma and Sinti Issues.
Among the participants will be representatives of the OSCE’s 56 participating States, Roma and Sinti community leaders and international experts.
Journalists are invited to attend the session, which will begin at 10:00 on
Wednesday, 5 October, in Hotel Victoria, ul. Krolewska, Warsaw.
A number of side events will focus on specific aspects such as anti-Roma
extremism and the role of the media in countering negative stereotypes.
The agenda and a list of side events and other information are available on
the conference website:
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