Sanctuary for Children and Families Threatened by the Indian Child Welfare Act
HILLSBORO, N.D., Feb. 22, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ — The Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare declares itself a ‘Sanctuary for Children and Families’ adversely affected by the Indian Child Welfare Act.
American children are frequently removed from homes they love and placed with strangers; sometimes with strangers considered dangerous by social service standards. Some children have never been near a reservation or involved in tribal customs, or are multi-racial children with very little tribal heritage. The ICWA is harming kids all across the U.S. as courts and tribal officials place tribal sovereignty above the lives of children.
Too many children are sexually abused, seriously injured or murdered after placement in homes under the Indian Child Welfare Act, according to reports from the Department of Justice, White House, National Indian Child Welfare Association, and numerous tribal entities.
Suicide rates are extremely high among reservation youth, per federal reports, but the connection to abuse is ignored.
Equal opportunities for protection and stability isn’t guaranteed ICWA children.
Many children express a desire to stay with their chosen families but are ignored by tribal, state and/or federal officials.
Birth parents object to tribal jurisdiction over, or involvement in, their families, but are ignored by tribal, state and/or federal officials.
Tribal officials remove children because the family is not Indian, is “white” or is not “culturally competent.”
Tribal officials practice nepotism in the placement of children, despite clear evidence of harm to children.
Families feel threatened by tribal governments.
Children subjected to unsafe conditions during tribal custody are extremely difficult to return to safe homes.
Federal authorities have disregarded state and federal law concerning child safety and health.
CAICW has a wealth of case details, reports, and legal decisions which substantiate these statements. For more information, please visit
CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE FOR INDIAN CHILD WELFARE believes that all tribal members have a right to choose their own path. Neither the tribal government nor the federal government has the right to tell tribal members where to live, how to raise their children, or what religion or traditions they must follow. Founded by tribal member Roland J. Morris and his wife in 2004, CAICW is a ministry, judicial & educational advocacy, prayer resource for families – and shoulder to cry on.
(fax) 701-636-2335
(ph.) 701-430-9210
Contact: Elizabeth Morris, Chairwoman