Photos of journalist and author Andreas Klamm
Photos of Andreas Klamm Journalist
For media coverage about the journalist, broadcast journalist and about the author Andreas Klamm following PHOTOS can be USED for FREE.
Andreas Klamm is a member of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ, and several other national and international journalist and media associations / organizations.
Since 1984 he is working also as presenter, news caster, broadcast journalist and as an independent, alternative television- radio- film and media producer.
Photo credit: / IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (founder and director of both media networks is Andreas Klamm, Journalist)
Für Medien-Berichte und Verlinkungen über den Journalisten, Rundfunk-Journalist, Autor und Moderator, Andreas Klamm, können Sie KOSTENFREI folgende Fotos nutzen.
Andreas Klamm, Journalist ist der Gründer und verantwortliche Redaktionsleitung von, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty.
Nachricht und Beleg-Exemplar erbeten an die Redaktion:
Photo credit / Nachweis: IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (Leeds),
Andreas Klamm ist Mitglied bei der International Federations of Journalist (IFJ) und weiterer nationaler und international Journalisten- Autoren und Medien-Organisationen und Vereinigungen.
Seit 1984 ist er zudem als Fernseh- und Radio-Moderator und freier Fernseh- Radio- Film- und Medien-Produzent tätig.
Broadcast journalist and author Andreas Klamm on air on his radio program. Photo:
Broadcast journalist and author Andreas Klamm on air on his radio program. Photo:
Andreas Klamm, journalist, broadcast journalist, author of several books and founder of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty,, Grace MedCare Ltd., London, United Kingdom which is providing media, medical and health care services of all kind. Photo:
Journalist Andreas Klamm during a television production live in the city centre of Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany. Photo:
Journalist Andreas Klamm as he appears on his weekly column in a local paper. Photo:
Andreas Klamm conducting an interview with actress Ulrike Folkerts. Foto:
Andreas Klamm, journalist, broadcast journalist and author with the author Elke Anita Dewitt. He is not only conducting interviews, a host of a radio and television programs and shows but also cuts and is editing analog and digital all of his radio and television programs. He used to spend sometimes even 24 hours in the studios in the city of Heilbronn, Mannheim and other radio and television studios. Photo:
Andreas Klamm, broadcast journalist and translator Bee Yin during an international television production for an audience in China in the English and Chinese language. Photo:
Sometimes there is even not one single chance to edit anything on radio and television. In such cases the journalist Andreas Klamm reports even LIVE from press conferences such as in the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein in Germany and many other places. Photo:
Journalist Andreas Klamm performing an interview with the intendant of the German television station Saarländischer Rundfunk, Prof. Dr. Hubert Rhode. For his TV documentation “Hier ist Radio 94, 2 – das Stadtradio 94,2” he has received in 1988 an award by a state film department in Germany. Photo:
Journalist Andreas Klamm performing an interview with the intendant of the German television station Saarländischer Rundfunk, Prof. Dr. Hubert Rhode. For his TV documentation “Hier ist Radio 94, 2 – das Stadtradio 94,2” he has received in 1988 an award by a state film department in Germany. Photo:
The journalist and author Andreas Klamm is working also as a news correspondent and news caster on radio and television. Photo:
Another interview on television: Major of the destrict Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis in Germany Dr. Ernst Bartholomé and broadcast journalist Andreas Klamm. Photo:
Another interview on television: Major of the destrict Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis Dr. Ernst Bartholomé and broadcast journalist Andreas Klamm. Photo:
For his television production “TV Talk: About journalists, their duties and possibilities” the journalist, TV producer and author Andreas Klamm has received in 1987 an award by a state film department. Photo:
Since 1984 the journalist and author Andreas Klamm has produced and conducted hundreds of interviews on radio and television. He has celebrated in 2004 his 20th anniversary as a broadcast journalist on radio and television and came up with a surprise to many of his viewers and listeners when he said: “I do want to leave Germany and want to live and workas soon as possible in the United States of America and die as late as possible in the United States of America. Certainly I will be not buried in Germany but as late as possible in the United States of America. Please try to understand that I prefer to live and work in the future in the United States of America.” In October 2007 the FRENCH – GERMAN journalist, broadcast journalist and author has requested with the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. the change of the citizenship from the German one into the American citizenship. Photo:
The other side of the journalist and author Andreas Klamm. Only as a secondary profession after a training of three years in October 1993 he became also a registered nurse (R.N.) and has been working both on the Intensive Therapy Unit in Germany and in the United Kingdom in London. On the ITU he wears his blue uniform. He is still sometimes working only part-time as a registered nurse (R.N.).
Because of some special circumstances he is working full time as a journalist, broadcast journalist and author for the patients democracy and liberty as he made a statement on the radio program “Liberty and Peace NOW!” recently. The patients democracy and liberty are in quite critical conditions and my hope is we do not have to put them on the respirator or ventilator. The patients democracy and liberty, this is a part of my hope, will not need Advanced Cardic Life Support (ACLS). Photo:
TV broadcast journ alist and author Andreas Klamm on television after working for about 20 hours behind and infront of the camera during the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in Germany in 2007. Photo:
TV broadcast journ alist and author Andreas Klamm on television after working for about 20 hours behind and infront of the camera during the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in Germany in 2007. Photo:
TV broadcast journ alist and author Andreas Klamm on television after working for about 20 hours behind and infront of the camera during the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in Germany in 2007. Photo:
Some information and photos about the books which have been written by Andreas Klamm, Journalist, broadcast journalist and author.
Einige Informationen und Fotos über die Bücher, die der Autor, Rundfunk-Journalist und Journalist Andreas Klamm veröffentlicht hat.
Books which have been recently published by Andreas Klamm, Journalist, author, broadcast journalist, independent television, film, radio and media producer.
The books are available in all books stores.
Bücher, die vor kurzem von dem Journalisten, Autor, Rundfunk-Journalist Andreas Klamm veröffentlicht wurden. Andreas Klamm ist seit 1984 auch freier Fernseh- Radio- Film und Medien-Produzent.
Die Bücher sind in allen Buchhandlungen erhältlich.
British Newsflash Magazine :: Magazin-Buch: Edition 2008, No. 1, Themen und Berichte aus Politik, Soziales und Gesellschaft, Issues from politics, social affairs and society, 200 pages, Publishing house /Publishing centre: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1 (June 2008), Language: German with some articles in the English language ISBN-10: 3837046001, ISBN-13: 978-3837046007, (29,7 x 21 x 1,2 cm)
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
Medienprojekt Menschenrechts-Reporter
ISBN 978-3-8370-7243-3, Paperback, 272 pages / Seiten, € 19,99
The author of this book Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters Andreas Klamm is working since 1984 as a journalist, broadcast journalist and author of several books. He is also the founder and director of several international alternative independent media networks and of Grace Med Care Ltd., London, United Kingdom. In the age of 16 in 1984 he became also a broadcasting host of several television and radio programs and an independent television, radio, film and media producer. In 1986 he has founded IBS Independent Broadcasting Liberty (Leeds), Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty (, The international alternative and independent media network is supporting international understanding since 1986.
In 2006 he became the founder of the international media project Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters which is providing information about abuses of the human rights and international human rights issues. Since December 2006 the journalist Andreas Klamm which is also an investigative journalist has discovered in co-operation with other journalists and authors throughout the entire world more than 150 cases of serious abuses and violations against elementary and fundamental human rights even in countries such as Germany and other countries of the Western Civilization but not only there.
The book is providing information about the serious abuses of human rights which do bring any kind of democracy and liberty in serious danger. In this book readers will find also information about the human rights and how to claim them.
This is first edition in the English and German language as an active act of supporting international understanding. The book is a bi-lingual project. As soon possible a 2nd edition will be published. Supporters which do stand for HUMAN RIGHTS, liberty, freedom of the international press, free speech, peace, justice and democracy are welcome at any time to support or to join the multinational team of journalists, authors, social and peace activists and media producers throughout the entire world.
In the first edition of Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters a part of the documentation of the serious cases of abuses and violations against the human rights can be found. For more information please go to 1., 2. and 3.
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
United Kingdom, Telephone 0044 703 5924 865
Germany, Telephone 0049 6236 48 90 44
ISBN (-13): 9783837072433
Die Kinder der John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission und Hilfe für Kinder, (The children of the John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children), 200 pages, Publishing house / Publishing centre: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition: 1 (August 2008), Language: German with articles by co-authors in the French and English language, ISBN-10: 3837057623, ISBN-13: 978-3837057621, (21 x 14,8 x 1,2 cm)
British Newsflash Magazine :: Magazin-Buch: Edition 2008, No. 1, Themen und Berichte aus Politik, Soziales und Gesellschaft, Issues from politics, social affairs and society, 200 pages, Publishing house /Publishing centre: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition 1 (June 2008), Language: German with some articles in the English language ISBN-10: 3837046001, ISBN-13: 978-3837046007, (29,7 x 21 x 1,2 cm)
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
Medienprojekt Menschenrechts-Reporter
ISBN 978-3-8370-7243-3, Paperback, 272 pages / Seiten, € 19,99
The author of this book Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters Andreas Klamm is working since 1984 as a journalist, broadcast journalist and author of several books. He is also the founder and director of several international alternative independent media networks and of Grace Med Care Ltd., London, United Kingdom. In the age of 16 in 1984 he became also a broadcasting host of several television and radio programs and an independent television, radio, film and media producer. In 1986 he has founded IBS Independent Broadcasting Liberty (Leeds), Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty (, The international alternative and independent media network is supporting international understanding since 1986.
In 2006 he became the founder of the international media project Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters which is providing information about abuses of the human rights and international human rights issues. Since December 2006 the journalist Andreas Klamm which is also an investigative journalist has discovered in co-operation with other journalists and authors throughout the entire world more than 150 cases of serious abuses and violations against elementary and fundamental human rights even in countries such as Germany and other countries of the Western Civilization but not only there.
The book is providing information about the serious abuses of human rights which do bring any kind of democracy and liberty in serious danger. In this book readers will find also information about the human rights and how to claim them.
This is first edition in the English and German language as an active act of supporting international understanding. The book is a bi-lingual project. As soon possible a 2nd edition will be published. Supporters which do stand for HUMAN RIGHTS, liberty, freedom of the international press, free speech, peace, justice and democracy are welcome at any time to support or to join the multinational team of journalists, authors, social and peace activists and media producers throughout the entire world.
In the first edition of Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters a part of the documentation of the serious cases of abuses and violations against the human rights can be found. For more information please go to 1., 2. and 3.
Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters
United Kingdom, Telephone 0044 703 5924 865
Germany, Telephone 0049 6236 48 90 44
ISBN (-13): 9783837072433
Die Kinder der John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission und Hilfe für Kinder, (The children of the John Baptist Mission in Togo: Mission and help for children), 200 pages, Publishing house / Publishing centre: Books on Demand Gmbh; Edition: 1 (August 2008), Language: German with articles by co-authors in the French and English language, ISBN-10: 3837057623, ISBN-13: 978-3837057621, (21 x 14,8 x 1,2 cm)